Wrongful Death

The attorneys at Talbot Law Group are honored to help families when loved ones are killed either in the course of their employment or as a result of the fault of another.  If killed on the job, the Administrative Workers’ Compensation Act provides for benefits for surviving spouses and minor children. 

Through our experience we have learned that family relationships are unique and an employer and their insurance carrier may try to take advantage of that and not pay the surviving beneficiaries as directed by law. 

If you have experienced the death of a loved one due to the work-related accident or the fault of another, reach out to speak to an attorney with the Talbot Law Group to learn more about the benefits you may be entitled to receive.  Talbot Law Group works on a contingency fee basis meaning you own nothing out of pocket up front and any fees and costs are paid through a successful award or settlement.  Consultations are always free. 405-602-5600